
Marek Tobiáš
Business, Finance & Data Group Leader / Joyful Craftsmen, Czech Republic
„I recommend Michal as an experienced manager with a inspiration drawn from leading technology companies. His approach to work and communication offers a different perspective on organizational operations. While his style may not resonate with everyone, it provides valuable insights that can be transformative. I personally found many of his thoughts to be thought-provoking and beneficial. If you're open to a disruptive yet enlightening viewpoint, Michal is the person to engage with.“
Jun 19, 2024

Lukáš Karlovský
Fabric & Data Expertise Leader / Joyful Craftsmen, Czech Republic
„I met Michal at Joyful Craftsmen, where he provided invaluable guidance to us leaders on various topics. He taught us how to build a high-quality team, how to inspire individuals to operate as entrepreneurs rather than mere employees, and generally how to streamline our processes.
Michal has a keen eye for inefficiency and does not hesitate to highlight it. He is adept at pushing people out of their comfort zones. He expects nothing less than peak performance from everyone and is never satisfied with average results.“
May 5, 2024

Jan Vaněk
Senior Data Engineer / Joyful Craftsmen, Czech Republic
„Michal came to JC to get the feeling of company processes and our overall outlook. Thanks to Michal we were able to streamline our discussions, meetings and focus on the importance of growth and planning.
Without Michal we wouldn't have a company strategy and would still go in our old ways.
He is very thought provoking and does not conform to your company or your coulture, which can create friction, but necessary one.“
May 2, 2024

Jaroslav Ambróz
PMP®, PMI-ACP®, PRINCE2 Practitioner®, Project Manager & Scrum Master / Zymestic Solutions, Slovakia
"Michal is an absolute professional and I dare say that he is the best in his domain. Thanks to his leadership in implementing agile methodologies, I realized the importance of having the right people in the right place and the importance of using the right tool at the right time. Was it easy? Not! Transformation hurts and not every company can handle it, but with people who want to learn and accept change as a necessity for progress, it will definitely work. Michal, thank you for opening my eyes."
September 2, 2022

Zoltán Faluvégy
Executive Vice President of Software Operations / XAPT Corporation, Hungary
„We approached Michal right at the start of an Agile transformation process of our software solution development operation, spent more than a year together in nailing down the basis of such operation. Michal has great understanding of the software development methods and processes, in-depth understanding of the Agile domain. We highly valued his hands-on experience in transforming a software development organization into Agile like operation. Able to handle critical situations, clear communication and plans, good strategist and leader of the roll-out as well. Should you need a person to lead your Agile transformation or operation I would highly recommend Michal to be considered for that role.
November 22, 2018

Jiří Beneš
Director of Identity & Security division / MONET+, Czech Republic
„We are a company focused on SW development for a specific market segment. One of the current mantras of our world is agility. That's why we also wanted (and a little bit we also had to) open the door to this space a bit. We chose Michal Vallo from Aguarra as our guide. In the beginning, we naively thought that we would turn the waterfall into agile through one or two training, turn the project managers into Scrum Masters, and "the show must go on". With Michal, we have got to realize and understand that agility (if it is to be taken really seriously) is not primarily a change in form, but ultimately a change in thinking, a change in attitude, responsibility, and overall culture. It's not a bite for a single sprint. We "agilitize" continuously day after day and Michal helps us moving forward.“
November 2, 2020

Dragan Segedin
Director Delivery Streams EU / TRASK j.d.o.o., Croatia
„Since I meet Michal, I found out that it is possible to meet straight forward manager between locals too. Michal put Actum on the place where it was never been before (in black num. finally) ... and also he did great a job with Aguarra where he's organized great conferences and training on agile transformations & open opportunities in innovation on it. He helps me a lot in understanding of Agile transformations as a consultant, so I hope we will work together for a long period in the future. But I'm afraid that he is/will be a victim of "success is the one unpardonable sin against our fellows" as he is hard working, fair and honest (no corruption). I wish you all the best Michal!
May 4, 2019

Nicolas Jurcak
Head of Product Coordinator & Project Manager / AdBros s.r.o., Czech Republic / Argentina
„Tengo el honor de dirigirme a Usted con el motivo de hacerle llegar mi evaluación sobre el Workshop dictado por el Sr. Michal Vallo. Es un verdadero placer indicar que como participante del antedicho Workshop, lo cual non solo ha ayudado en lo personal a cada participante si no también en lo grupal. El curso era dirigido en el marco de la estructura empresarial: Investigación y Desarrollo - Gestión de Proyectos Software. Las técnicas impartidas en el curso han mejorado sustancialmente la efectividad nuestro equipo, simplificando los procesos diarios y lograr trasfórmalos en resultados positivos. Desde ya mi personal estima por el trabajo realizado y agradezco al Sr. Michal Vallo por su profesionalidad y paciencia durante todo este último periodo que compartió con nosotros.“
July 20, 2020

Michal Šimoník
Project Manager & Scrum Master / MONET+, Czech Republic
"I had the opportunity to meet Michal thanks to his involvement in the company, in which I work as a sales and project manager. I have not yet encountered agile approaches in my professional career, and it was something completely new to me. Thanks to the workshops, and the way they were organized, where the emphasis was on teamwork, thematic lectures, and a personal approach, I found the absorption of this new topic very easy. Speaking about the actual working performance on my project, it helped me a lot the gradual introduction of agile techniques into the project personally. The transition from quarterly deliveries to 14-day Sprints, Scrum Board, Sprint Planning, Retrospective, all contributed to the clarity of deliveries. It was much easier for me to communicate to the customer what and when to expect. Many thanks to Michal for all this. I hope that we will continue to meet and hone the techniques of the agile world."
December 24, 2020

David Erbmann
Manager IT Portal B2B Europe / Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH, Czech Republic/Germany
„Training and consulting from Aguarra enabled us to properly initiate the Agile transformation for our European B2B Portal team. The main added value was in Michal, who gave our teams and management not only how should we do things, but also principles why. Our teams felt safer to start our Agile transformation, business was finally convinced this is the way. After running Scrum with 2 customer/supplier mixed teams for 1 year, we would choose Michal again.
November 2, 2018

Javier Pérez Fernández
Agile Coach / agile42, Germany
„I´ve met Michal 3 years ago, when he gave me the opportunity to participate as speaker in the Aguarra Agilia conference in 2014. The conversations with him and his feedback, helped me to learn, grow as an agilist and to become more self-confidence in my skills and knowledge. I consider Michal as a key person in my career, since he contributed with his discussions and advices to have a better understanding of what agile mindset is.“
February 13, 2017
"You write great motivational emails. Thank you for it. If you lived through several transformations, you know, that beyond great vision there is also important right timing and desire for change. And this preparadeness stays at your intuition. In all cases, discussions with you are great look into the mirror." September 22, 2017
Marek Vandák, Head of Software Development, Anasoft, Slovakia
"If you are interested in true agile adoption Michal is the right person for you. True agility, nothing less. Michal is not type of coach that will tell you what you want to hear. He will tell you what you need to hear. No politics and empty words." January 6, 2015
Jaroslav Orság, SW Developer, Whitestein Technologies, Slovakia
"I have attended three Aguarra trainings and I found them all to be very beneficial and professionally executed. The great advantage of these trainings are teachers, who not only understands the subject, but they have a long in depth practice in the field of that subject. Often they are also internationally recognized experts - my last training on the methodology DSDM led one of the authors of Agile Manifesto Arie van Bennekum.
Generally, I think that Aguarra trainings are by far the best courses in agile management in the Czech Republic and in particular training Management 3.0 should attend every manager (not necessarily from IT development)." April 4, 2014
Zdeněk Macháček, Delivery Manager, Principal engineering, Czech Republic
"Simply: With Michal we have increased Throutput of orders in PRIA SYSTEM. In 5 months we increased revenue from 700.000 CZK to 1.500.000 CZK. What to add more? Just only I have feeling, that it is even sustainable :)" October 15, 2013
Jan Podzimek, CEO, PRIA SYSTEM, Czech Republic
"In 2012 we have started process of company revitalization to prepare us for international expansion. We invited Michal to join our internal Allegro Scrum Competence Team to work together and guide us through the process of change - agile transformation. Starting with top management, Agile became part of our strategic plans, in structure, in processes, in operations and in responsibilities. Quite radical change for organization with long history and culture. Later Michal trained development teams for Scrum, agile and non-agile techniques and helped us to create new roles - ScrumMaster, Product Owner or agile managers. In following months he have provided regular support, coaching and mentoring on our agile journey. During transition we have learned a lot about ourselves. We have got to the path of continuous improvement, attracted new talents and enhanced collaboration among colleagues, internal departments and with customers. And we still continue. Working with Aguarra is inspiring, radical, and often challenging us from status quo. With greatest pleasure we recommend Aguarra." September 2, 2013
Radek Havlik, CEO, NetDirect, Czech Republic
Vaclav Liska, Webshop Segment Leader, Allegro Group, Czech Republic / Poland
"I learned a great deal about SCRUM and Agile methodologies during the training, and I would like to thank Michal and his team for a great course, it has been very eye-opening and I think it will be very useful for me and my career in the future." December 3, 2011
Miguel Sánchez, Entrepreneur, Esebe Software, Slovakia
"I have had the opportunity to attend several trainings organized and co-tutored by Michal and those were one of the best training sessions I have ever attended. Michal is not only able to clearly share his own ideas, but he is always able to bring to the table excellent tutors and trainers from all around the world. Trainings offered by Aguarra are definitely one of the best in the field in the Czech Republic and I highly recommend them." December 3, 2011
Ondrej Krajicek, Vice President of R&D, Y Soft Corporation, Czech Republic
"We have been working with Michal Vallo during 2011 on the improvements of the SCRUM process in Oriflame. He made SCRUM audit in our web development department. With the better understanding of the process we have opened a room for potential improvements and implementation of the best practices.
After the couple of follow up workshops and training with Michal we achieved great improvements on the level of the development team, product owners and inspire them for better communication. Since then we are continuously trying to inspect and change how we do the things.
Cooperation with Michal was very useful and inspiring. Thanks to him we have moved our SCRUM in web development to the next level." November 14, 2011
Rene Andrs, Web Development Leader, Oriflame Software, Czech Republic
"With help of Michal Vallo, who made Scrum Observation and Assessment in our team, we were able to boost productivity, break stagnation, and inspire team members for better communication. In time frame of 2 weeks and couple of follow-up sessions, we collected enough objective points to inspect and adjust, which leaded to about 10% raise of team velocity and open additional potential for improvements." July 19, 2011
Nick Entin, Vice President, Polarion Software GmbH, Czech Republic / Germany
"Michal is a strategic thinker with unmatched consistency in following visions. He managed to reconstruct Actum's production capacity from a group of poorly organized individuals into a well-functioning team, introduced new project management methodologies, including agile ones, and most importantly succeeded in creation of a culture that nurtures innovation and creativity in all aspects of the company's life. Successfully completed the first M&A transaction of Actum, attracted people from all over the world, started our own R&D programme.. and much more.
Sometimes he should think why you ask instead of providing a quick answer." April 7, 2010
Jan Havel, Owner and Managing Partner, ACTUM, Czech Republic
"Michal showed me how could a creative project manager look like. He is always investigating new approaches, which together with his bright vision makes him a person with whom is a joy to co-operate." June 8, 2008
Lukas Plihal, Creative Director / Inventor of Experience Web, Ilikethis, Czech Republic
More References and Achievements
Consulting / Training Events Case Studies

- 4finance (CZ)
- Accenture Technology Solutions (SK)
- Actum (CZ)
- Adbros (CZ)
- AHEAD-iTec (CZ)
- Allianz Pojistovna (CZ)
- Alnair (CZ)
- Anasoft (SK)
- Autocont (CZ)
- Autodesk (CZ)
- AVG Technologies (CZ)
- Barton Studio (CZ)
- BlueLInk International (CZ)
- CCV (CZ)
- Cígler Software (CZ)
- CNS (CZ)
- Continental (CZ)
- Delivery Hero (DE)
- Deutsche Börse (CZ)
- Digital Solutions (CZ)
- DXC Technology (SK)
- eGroup Solutions (SK)
- ePojisteni (CZ)
- Erste Group IT (SK)
- Esebe Software (SK)
- Festool (CZ)
- FG Forrest (CZ)
- GEM System (CZ)
- GMC Software Technology (CZ)
- Hungryhouse (CZ / DE)
- Heuréka (CZ)
- Home Credit International / Embedit (CZ)
- Honeywell (CZ)
- ChemAxon (CZ / HU)
- Incinity (CZ)
- Inseko (SK)
- Ipesoft (SK)
- IPS (CZ)
- JavliNet (CZ)
- Joyful Craftsmen (CZ)
- Jonckers Translation & Engineering (CZ)
- Komerční Banka (CZ)
- Komix (CZ)
- Konica Minolta Business Solutions (CZ)
- Maxman Consultants (SK)
- Monet+ (CZ)
- Moravia IT (CZ)
- Multimedia Solutions (CZ)
- Nemetschek Allplan Slovakia (SK)
- NetDirect / Allegro Group (CZ/PL)
- NetSafe Solutions (CZ)
- Oriflame Software (CZ)
- oXy Online (CZ)
- Plexcore (SK)
- Polarion Software (CZ)
- Principal Engineering (CZ)
- Prosoft (SK)
- Radio Free Europe (CZ)
- Raiffeisen bank (CZ)
- Red Hat (CZ)
- R-SYS (SK)
- Simplity (CZ)
- Software Development Europe (CZ)
- Skype (CZ)
- Stapro (CZ)
- Tatra banka (SK)
- Teradata (CZ)
- ThermoFischer Scientific / FEI (CZ)
- Verlag Dashöfer, vydavateľstvo (SK)
- Vltava-Labe-Press (CZ)
- VSE Holding (SK)
- Y Soft Corporation (CZ)
- Whitestein Technologies (SK)
- Wunderman (CZ)
- Zymestic Solutions (SK)
- and more....

- Agilia Conference*
- Agile Management Congress*
- Agilia Budapest
- Agilia Prague
- Agilia Open Space
- Agilia Scrum Master Day
*In 2018 Agilia Conference and Agile Management Congress were listed among Top 20 World Best Events on Agile Techniques and Agile Management, where only 6 were from Europe.
- Agilia Meetups*
at Bratislava (SK), Brno (CZ), Budapest (HU), Olomouc (CZ), Ostrava (CZ), Plzen (CZ), Prague (CZ), Wroclaw (PL), Zilina (SK)
*10.000+ people attended the meet-ups all together.